Even with all the hatred toward law enforcement personnel and calls around the country to defund the police, men and women who work as cops are still eager and willing to serve and protect. These brave individuals go into dangerous situations all the time, putting their lives on the line for complete strangers.
Not an ordinary day
For one state trooper who hails from Virginia, he was going about his normal day. But then, he spotted a man on the side of the road. As part of his job, he stopped to make sure the guy was okay.

The man’s name is Darren Scott. As it turns out, this gentleman was waiting for a ride. His daughter was supposed to pick him up but she got delayed at work. So, he had no choice but to stand there on an interstate in Alleghany County until help arrived.

Offering assistance
Without hesitation, Sergeant Anthony Nicely offered to give Darren a ride to his home. After all, along with the dangerous things that officers do, they also provide other types of assistance. This was just part of his daily responsibilities. So, he was more than happy to help.

Nice conversation
While driving Darren home, the two men had a great conversation. Although they didn’t spend a great deal of time in the car together, there was a mutual respect. Even in a somewhat unique situation, they enjoyed chatting.

Connecting on social media
A few hours after Sergeant Nicely dropped off his passenger, he logged into Facebook. There, he wrote a super nice post, thanking Darren for the good conversation. But he was also grateful that this man was able to look past his badge to see another man who genuinely wanted to help.

A special story
At this point, you might be wondering what’s so special about this particular story. Well, Sergeant Nicely is white and Darren Scott is black. That in itself wouldn’t normally seem like a big deal but with today’s environment regarding racism, it is.

Sergeant Nicely explains
Some of what Sergeant Nicely wrote included this, “I thought about our conversations and really appreciated him for what he taught me in that 45-minute ride.” Specifically, this state trooper was referring to their discussion about family, work ethic, and the essentials that people need in life.

He had more to say
Sergeant Nicely went on to say, “I just kind of wanted to thank him for it after I marinated on it a little bit.” Although only the two of them know the full conversation, whatever it was had made a big impact on this state trooper. One thing we do know is that Sergeant Nicely frequents the restaurant where one of Darren’s daughters works. So, he had the chance to meet her.

A big-time response
With so much chaos between races right now, literally thousands of people who read the post chimed in. This simple story and act of kindness sent a powerful message.

Hopelessness to hopeful
The individuals who commented on Facebook said the interaction between the two men gave them hope. They were so inspired. They commented they’d like to see additional stories like this one posted.

Yes, Sergeant Nicely was on duty but it was because he’s human that he pulled over to help Darren Scott on that day. For these two, there was no issue with color. It was just a 45-minute conversation between two people. This is something we could all learn from. We invite you to watch the video below for more insight on the story.
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