People have been quarantining themselves at home to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, only leaving for essential needs. On the other hand, healthcare workers are a group that have been on the front lines of it all. Each day, they gamble with their own safety while continuing to help save the lives of strangers.
Those in the healthcare industry during this pandemic deserve gratitude from us all (even if we’re lucky enough not to need them). For one elderly man, he found a way to show local ER workers appreciation after his wife did in fact need their help. It all started with a simple knock at the facility’s window…

Allison Swendsen is an ER nurse at the Morristown Medical Center in New Jersey. (The state has the second-highest amount of coronavirus cases in the U.S., under New York.)
Swendsen’s been in her profession for more than a decade and likely has experienced a lot of emotional moments during her time. What she saw at the hospital window in late March had her snapping a photo to share with the world.

Swendsen explained what happened in a Facebook post that’s going viral.
It starts out:
“In triage the other day, I heard a knock on the window… this was what I saw- this man knew he couldn’t come in but wanted to show some gratitude- i asked through the window if I could snap a picture and he nodded, he had tears pouring down his face…”

The man was holding up a sign for the healthcare workers that had a message of appreciation. Surely he would have liked to thank them at a closer distance – but since he couldn’t, he came up with an alternative plan.
He wrote on the sign:

The nurse was touched by the sight, which must have been quite powerful to witness in person.
Swendsen decided to “peek out” so that she could talk to the man and find out about his wife. In her post, she continues:
“I peeked out the door and asked him how his wife was- he said “great, she is going home today, you are all amazing” I dont know him, I dont know his wife, but through out the last 13 years as a nurse, I realized, this is why we do it- times are tough but we make a difference. I love my team ❤️ Morristown Medical Center”

It’s a time when we need more positive stories in our world, and this is one that’s spreading like wildfire.
Since Swendsen posted the photograph to Facebook it’s been shared 42K times (in less than a month).
By no surprise, there have been beautiful and heartfelt comments left on the nurse’s post from people who appreciate all that healthcare workers are doing. One person expressed:
“This hits you in the feels. Thanks to the healthcare workers, and support staff. Thanks also to this man for not taking for granted the effort it took to deliver a good outcome.”

Another shared, “Our hearts are applauding SO LOUD 👏❤️!!!!! to all the Healthcare Heros/Heroines!!!!” Someone else admitted that the story left them teary by asking, “Who cut onions??”
There are workers in many fields that deserve our gratitude in addition to those in healthcare. Hopefully, we can all find our own ways to let them know how much we care!

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