Acts of Kindness
Burly bikers stand in court with kids facing their abusers to help them feel safe
Kids become confident and strong.
Cedric Jackson

Just imagine being a child who someone abused. Now vision yourself going to court to face the very person who hurt you. As you can imagine, that would be incredibly difficult and frightening. But in life, that’s something that happens every day. Although these children are very brave, it never hurts to have a great support system.

Thanks to members of an international motorcycle group, that’s what these kids have. Burly bikers consisting of men and women stand by their creed: “No child deserves to live in fear.” Known as Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc., or simply BACA, this global organization empowers abused kids through their physical strength, numbers, and tough attitude.

BACA continues to changes the lives of abused children.


In 1995, John Paul “Chief” Lilly from Provo, Utah, came up with the idea for BACA. In the 25 years since first starting the organization, it’s expanded by opening chapters all over the United States. Not only is this a national endeavor, but also one that helps children in other countries.

The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast

“Chief” had a specific idea in mind.

The goal was to allow bikers, many of them who’d also been abused while growing up, to take a stand with kids as they go through the justice system to have their abusers prosecuted. Since a lot of children have to come face-to-face with the person who caused them harm, “Chief” knew they needed backup.

Facebook/BACA International
Facebook/BACA International

This is an entire support system.

When an abused child goes to court, there’s not just one muscular biker in attendance but a whole group of them. If I were the perpetrator, I’d be looking for a way to escape. With strong men and women standing with them, these kids find an internal strength they didn’t even know they had.


The BACA website explains it perfectly.


According to a statement on the organization’s website, it’s clear what their intentions are. “We exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. We stand ready to lend support to our wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization.

Facebook/BACA International
Facebook/BACA International

They work closely with various agencies.

The site goes on to explain that the members of BACA work with both local and stage officials already in place to help these kids. Along with the emotional support they provide, they’re also there physically. Often, their burliness is what gives abused kids the courage to speak up, loud and clear.

Facebook/BACA International
Facebook/BACA International

This organization is multifaceted.

Often, people with Child Protective Services, private therapists, and even clergymen reach out to BACA for help. Initially, a representative from BACA meets with the child, who’s then assigned two caseworkers to serve as their points of contact. These children even receive a special BACA vest, signifying they’re now a part of this incredible pack and if wanted, they’re taken for a motorcycle ride.

Facebook/BACA International
Facebook/BACA International

Kids are no longer victims.

Instead, they become warriors with the best team possible backing them up. Let’s face it, the last thing an abuser wants is to mess with one of these guys. If approved by the judge, members of BACA attend court proceedings. The change in how these children handle the process is obvious. Rather than cower down, they stand in confidence.

Facebook/BACA International
Facebook/BACA International

As one member stated, “When we get involved, these kids gain self-confidence. They beam, do better in school, and they’re not afraid anymore. And that’s what we do, we give them their lives back.”

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Source: Inspire More
