According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 554,000 Americans were homeless on a single given night in 2017. However, back in 2014, an unlikely man decided to make a difference.
Youtuber Omar Gosh is known for his prank videos, but he learned that people love heart more than gimmicks when he went viral in 2014 for a heartwarming deed.

On a sweltering day in Tampa, Florida, Omar and his teenage son set out to give the homeless community a few items that would really make a difference in their lives— brand-new shoes and socks.
“Here in Florida, it gets hot,” Omar explained. “And for most people, they do a lot of walking and put a lot of wear and tear on their shoes.”
“So, I think the last thing on someone’s mind to give a homeless person is a new pair of shoes.”

And it’s true— homeless people face a lot of difficulties when it comes to shoes. In fact, a podiatrist named Ira Diamond created an entire charity to address this need. The Shoes For The Homeless website explains: “Throughout [Diamond’s] career, he has seen the many types of foot problems that develop when individuals have inadequate shoes or no shoes at all.”
So again, shoes are more important for the homeless than you would think.

In the video, the reactions to Omar’s gift are both beautiful and heartbreaking.
“I’m thankful that you did this for me, sir,” one man tells him.
“I wasn’t expecting anybody to help me today.”

Later, when Omar asks another man if he can have his shoes— the generous homeless man, not knowing Omar has a pair to give him in return, doesn’t hesitate to give his possessions away.
Luckily, Omar replaces them immediately with a brand-new pair of runners, as well as flip-flops for the harsh Floridian heat.

Omar’s video is extremely touching, showing the impact a small action can have on a person’s life.
“I’m not rich, so please don’t make that excuse,” Omar said.
“If you’re not giving now, you won’t give when you’re rich.”

Seeing a topless man sleeping near an upscale restaurant, Omar even gives him the shirt right off his back.

Since being uploaded, this beautiful video has been viewed more than 7 million times.
“Literally made me cry,” Natesha John posted to YouTube. “I cannot wait to help the homeless when I’m all done school.”
Jamey K. wrote, “man you’re doing the Lord’s work and I would love to say thank you. It’s always wonderful to see an ANGEL in human form. And your son wow all I can say is ya’ll have much respect from me.”
“These types of Omar Gosh videos are my absolute favorite,” posted Elizabeth Avila. “Thank you for your love and kindness towards people, your fellow man and woman. You are an angel on this Earth to help others in many ways.”

If you like this video, be sure to check out a few others on Omar’s channel. In another viral video, he asks homeless people for change to demonstrate their generosity. In nearly every case, even though the person had nothing, they all tried to help— whether the form of change, food, or solidarity.
In the video, one homeless man shares a bit of his food, telling Omar, “One day you might have a chance to share with me.” In the end, Omar presents all of them with a $20 bill.
See the heartwarming video below!
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