The little 8-year-old boy Jaron Johnson was absolutely thrilled when he found a $100 bill in a local supermarket. However, it’s not because the young man just found himself a very hefty amount of cash, he was thrilled because he could now try and look for the original owner and give it back.

Jaron’s mom Jodie couldn’t be any prouder of her son.
Jaron and Jodie simply went grocery shopping in a local Walmart, and the little boy suddenly saw something green lying on the floor. After a closer look, Jaron realized it was a hundred dollar bill.

A $100 bill is a large amount to lose, and it turned out that an elderly shopper lost the cash just a couple of minutes before.
The 86-year-old Jamie Grice was about to pay for his own groceries but then realized that his $100 went missing and that he must’ve dropped it somewhere. He didn’t have any other cash on him and had to leave the store without the groceries.
Jamie has difficulties making ends meet as the senior citizen relies on a fixed retirement income. Losing $100 was a serious blow in the man’s finances.

The eight-year-old Jaron gave the $100 to his mom and reminded him to call the store the next day to find the rightful owner.
“I gave it to my mom and then the next day when we woke up I reminded her to call Walmart to see if anyone reported it,” Jaron told to KALB.

Jaron’s mom works as a special education teacher in a local elementary school, but this was one of the most important lessons she has ever witnessed.
“When I walked outside of the store I said lord let somebody that really needs that money, find it. When I turn things over to the Lord, I don’t fool with it anymore.”
“We talked about it on the way home, you know, people work hard for their money,” she added. “I was immediately proud of him. He’s a great kid, he has amazing character. He does the right thing even when no one is looking.”

Jodie didn’t even have to suggest to return the money, she says that her boy didn’t want to keep the cash at all and just wanted to find whoever lost it. Such an amazing mentality!
“It was on his heart to make sure it got back to the rightful owner,” she said to Fox News.
Luckily, the man who lost the cash notified the store that his cash had gone missing.

When Jodie called the supermarket the next day, they were immediately able to fit the puzzle pieces together.
Shortly after the phone call, Jaron, Jodie, and James met each other at the store and the little boy was proud to give the man his $100 bill back in a selfless and amazing act of kindness.

Of course, James was really happy and relieved that his money was returned and he knows that most people would just end up keeping the $100 for themselves.
“Knowing that he was on fixed income made the lesson that much more valuable. I told him ‘look how much you helped him and how much he appreciates it,’” Jodie recalls.

As a ‘thank you’ for Jaron’s efforts, the man gifted him a $20 finder’s reward and a couple of fresh tomatoes, because Jaron absolutely loves those.
“That child right there, he’s 100 percent to me,” James told the local news station.

What an amazing little boy!
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