Angela Justice was forced to do something that no parent should ever have to do when she got the terrible phone call that families dread.
“The first words out of my mouth were ‘Is she going to make it?’,” Angela Justice said tearfully, according to NBC Washington.
Angela was left to make a difficult decision of whether or not to take her 20-year-old daughter Samantha off of life support after she was in a severe car crash.
“It’s hard — it’s the hardest thing you will ever do,” Anglea tearfully told Inside Edition.

The only comfort that Angela had in this horrible situation was knowing that Samantha’s organ donation would go to someone in need.
“I remember praying that whoever got Samantha’s lungs and her heart were young so they could live her life that she wasn’t going to be able to live,” Angela said, according to MSN.
Angela’s wish ended up being granted.
Jackie Price, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, was a perfect match for Samantha’s lungs. Jackie came close to death and was in a coma for a month because of her condition. She ended up being the recipient of Samantha’s lungs and is doing well after her transplant.

“I feel sad that somebody lost their life, but at the same time I feel grateful that I was given a second chance,” Jackie said. “Not everyone gets the second chance.”
Jackie ended up writing a letter to Angela expressing her gratitude.
“Her lungs continue to breathe, for me,” the letter said. “Everyday I have here is because of Samantha.”
Angela was pleased that Jackie was doing so well and eventually got to meet Jackie in person so that she could hear her daughter Samantha’s lungs working inside of Jackie. It was an extremely emotional moment for the families.

“That’s my baby in there. I felt my daughter — something I haven’t been able to feel, ” Angela said.
Jackie says it was difficult to put into words how grateful she is to Samantha and how wonderful it was to be able to take a full deep breath. Samatha’s sister Sara also asked Jackie if she would be a bridesmaid in her wedding.
“I’m the sister of the woman whose lungs breathe for you every day. So, if you’re willing, please say you’ll be my bridesmaid now and my newfound sister at heart forever,” Sara asked.
So now these two families are bound together forever by more than just a pair of lungs. You can watch the bittersweet moment below where Angela gets to listen to her daughter’s lungs once more.
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