Some people have an incredible sense of humor. It just seems to come naturally. But have you ever met an entire family with an uncanny ability to make everyone laugh? Believe it or not…they exist. Those are the ones you want to be friends with since there’s never a dull moment.
If you don’t know a family like that, don’t worry. We’ve put together a list of 35 of them, along with photos showing why they’re so darn funny.
If you grew up in the 80s, then you know that big hair was a hot trend. But as this family shows, the 70s were much better. If they didn’t think this was funny, we sure do.
Every time someone serves this kid mushrooms for dinner, he’s probably horrified. His parents told him another brother who hated taking showers eventually turned into one. And they provided proof in the form of a photo.
After seeing the movie TRON, one little girl was petrified she’d get sucked into the computer. So, what did her parents do? Play it again. Now, that’s great parenting.
If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know first-hand how hard it is to see your feet, especially in the last trimester. This woman took a picture, replacing her feet with her dogs.
No, it’s not magic or an illusion. This new bride met her husband at a cheerleading camp so they’re just showing off a bit. We bet they have a long and happy marriage.
While driving by this farm, one uncle convinced his nephew it was where they grew marshmallows. Yeah, we see it but now this kid will be teased when he tells his teacher and friends about it.
After graduating from the police academy, a woman’s family decided to have a celebratory lunch. Well, the food choice is in line with the job. And they provided a nice variety.
This lady thought it’d be funny to snap a photo of her sister while she was in labor. Just remember, when you have kids, there’s a thing called karma.
As a klutz, the girl on the left ended up with a black eye just in time for Halloween. So, all her mom had to do was add a mustache and her costume was complete. Too funny.
This guy’s mother-in-law bought him getup as a way of embarrassing him. But it backfired. Not only did he rock it but he felt proud doing so.
This dad is always telling jokes. But by the looks on his family’s faces, this one was either really good or really bad.
12. What’s up with uncles?
Oh my gosh…if this isn’t funny, we don’t know what is. This uncle simply wanted to don a cute costume. For his efforts, he won the “Best Ursula Costume” contest. Come on, we know you’re chuckling right now.
We’re just hoping he didn’t put those things back in his mouth until thoroughly cleaned and sanitized them.
The only thing this girl wanted for Christmas was anything to do with the movie Frozen. Maybe she wasn’t specific enough. By the look on her face, she’s doesn’t think her family is very funny.
Just imagine visiting this uncle’s house only to find this when you go to the bathroom. Having your entire family watching you take care of business is both creepy and hysterical.
So, here’s the quick backstory. A boy sends a girl a text asking for a photo of her wearing a bra. Her dad was happy to oblige.
17. Don’t ever visit Uncle Joe
It seems this uncle’s sense of humor isn’t appreciated by his nephew. Poor kid, he’s probably scarred for life. He’ll never ride a horse…ever. Not even one on a merry-go-round.
The next time this mom feels like falling asleep in a shopping mall, she might think twice. Kudos to her son for his amazing computer skills.
19. Choosing your family members
Sometimes, we all wish we could replace a family member or two. After one person’s parents left this frame empty for a long time, they decided to add some “family” photos. Just not their family.
Instead of getting mad, this mom thought finding her daughter covered in lipstick was funny enough to share it with the world. We just have two questions. First, how big was that tube of lipstick? Second, what’s the color…it’s nice.
A word to the wise…never listen to your big brother. One guy told his little brother it was important to mop the bricks at his shop. We sure hope he was paid well for all the hard work.
If you come from a funny family, you’d better expect something unusual to happen if you ever have one of them watch your cat for a few days. That’s what happened here. Great photos, though.
If your dad sent you a photo like this, isn’t that what you’d do? Thankfully, it was nothing more than a perfectly placed broken knife. Very funny, dad.
One girl’s boyfriend took her dog to the beach for some quality time together. This was his interpretation. While we feel sorry for the pup, he doesn’t seem too stressed.
25. Um…that’s interesting
While attending a school of art, students were asked to take photos of themselves in some kind of setting. Most photos were taken with family or outdoors. But this guy, well, he decided to dress up as a Martian sitting in a bathtub.
While getting ready to go out, a woman asked her sister to dry her pants. This was her solution — funny family style. But why the cereal boxes?
Hey, she was just trying to make the bathroom experience a little more enjoyable and sanitary. We’re pretty sure her kids now have nightmares.
This uncle has a great sense of humor…his family…not so much. Personally, we kind of like them, kind of.
29. Turning lemons into lemonade
Funny families have a way of turning bad situations into good. Born without a fingernail, this is a perfect example of how they do it.
If you’re going to buy your kid a new toy, make it count. This family thought this was hysterical and we have to agree.
Putting on a family play is a lot of fun. But if you’re a part of a funny family, you have to take things to another level…you know, like a mock murder.
When this 84-year-old grandma felt bad about wearing her nightgown in front of the family, her grandson decided to make her feel better. I bet this family is a blast to be around.
33. Just being a protective father
This dad wanted to make sure his family didn’t sustain any injuries while…well, mopping the floor. Thanks for the laugh, Dad.
34. The same goes for dogs
Don’t ever let a member of a funny family take care of your pooch or you might receive a photo like this. This pup looks like he has chicken legs.
35. Be careful who you hug
This man’s wife, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law look identical from behind. He’d better be careful when sneaking up on one of them…he’ll either get a kiss or a slap in the face.
Some people have an incredible sense of humor. It just seems to come naturally. But have you ever met an entire family with an uncanny ability to make everyone laugh? Believe it or not…they exist. Those are the ones you want to be friends with since there’s never a dull moment.
If you don’t know a family like that, don’t worry. We’ve put together a list of 35 of them, along with photos showing why they’re so darn funny.